Legislation – Counter-Terrorism and Sentencing Act 2021

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Sentencing of terrorist and certain other offenders

1 Offences aggravated by terrorist connection

2 Meaning of “serious terrorism offence”: England and Wales

3 Offences relevant for provisions of this Act relating to Northern Ireland

4 Serious terrorism sentence for adults aged under 21: England and Wales

5 Serious terrorism sentence for adults aged 21 or over: England and Wales

6 Serious terrorism sentence: Scotland

7 Serious terrorism sentence: Northern Ireland

8 Reduction in appropriate custodial term for guilty pleas: England and Wales

9 Reduction in appropriate custodial term for guilty pleas: Scotland

10 Reduction in appropriate custodial term for assistance to prosecution: England and Wales

11 Minimum term order for serious terrorism offenders: England and Wales

12 Minimum punishment part for serious terrorism offenders: Scotland

13 Minimum tariff for serious terrorism offenders given life sentences: Northern Ireland

14 Minimum custodial period for serious terrorism offenders given indeterminate custodial sentences: Northern Ireland

15 Additional offences attracting extended sentence: England and Wales

16 Increase in extension period for serious terrorism offenders aged under 18: England and Wales

17 Increase in extension period for adult serious terrorism offenders aged under 21: England and Wales

18 Increase in extension period for serious terrorism offenders aged 21 or over: England and Wales

19 Additional terrorism offences attracting extended sentence: Scotland

20 Extended custodial sentences for serious terrorism offenders: Northern Ireland

21 Offences attracting special custodial sentence for offenders of particular concern: England and Wales

22 Special custodial sentence for certain terrorist offenders aged under 18 at time of offence: England and Wales

23 Terrorism sentence with fixed licence period: Scotland

24 Terrorism sentence with fixed licence period: Northern Ireland

25 Corresponding provision under service law

26 Increase in maximum sentences for certain terrorist offences

Release of terrorist offenders

27 Removal of early release for dangerous terrorist prisoners: England and Wales

28 Removal of early release for dangerous terrorist prisoners: Scotland

29 Further provision about release of terrorist prisoners: Scotland

30 Restricted eligibility for early release of terrorist prisoners: Northern Ireland

31 Removal of early release for dangerous terrorist prisoners: Northern Ireland

32 Polygraph licence conditions for terrorist offenders: England and Wales

33 Release on licence of terrorist prisoners repatriated to the United Kingdom

Prevention and investigation of terrorism

34 TPIMs: condition as to involvement in terrorism-related activity

35 TPIMs: extension of time limit

36 TPIMs: variation of measures

37 TPIMs: extension of residence measure

38 TPIMs: polygraph measure

39 TPIMs: drug testing measure

40 TPIMs: provision of information

41 TPIMs: annual review

42 Additional offences attracting notification requirements

43 Police powers to apply for serious crime prevention orders in terrorism cases

44 Serious crime prevention orders: review of operation of police powers

45 Persons vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism: timing of independent review


46 Consequential and related amendments

47 Power to state effect in Sentencing Act 2020 of commencement of amendments made by this Act

48 Power to make further consequential provision

49 Extent

50 Commencement

51 Short title


SCHEDULE 1 Offences where terrorist connection not required to be considered

SCHEDULE 2 Serious terrorism offences: England and Wales

SCHEDULE 3 Offences for the purposes of this Act: Northern Ireland

SCHEDULE 4 Serious terrorism offences: Scotland

SCHEDULE 5 Terrorism offences attracting extended sentence: Scotland

SCHEDULE 6 Offences attracting special custodial sentence for offenders of particular concern: England and Wales

SCHEDULE 7 Offences attracting terrorism sentence with fixed licence period: Scotland

SCHEDULE 8 Corresponding provision about sentencing under service law

SCHEDULE 9 Offences carrying restricted eligibility of terrorist prisoners for release on licence: England and Wales

SCHEDULE 10 Offences carrying restricted eligibility of terrorist prisoners for release on licence: Scotland

SCHEDULE 11 Release on licence of repatriated terrorist prisoners

SCHEDULE 12 Serious crime prevention orders: power for police to apply in terrorism-related cases

SCHEDULE 13 Consequential and related amendments

SCHEDULE 1Offences where terrorist connection not required to be considered

Section 1

PART 1England and Wales; service offences

This is the Schedule to be inserted as Schedule A1 to the Sentencing Code—

SCHEDULE A1Offences where terrorist connection not required to be considered

Section 69

1Terrorism Act 2000

An offence under any of the following provisions of the Terrorism Act 2000—


section 11 (membership of a proscribed organisation);


section 12 (inviting or expressing support for a proscribed organisation);


section 15 (fund-raising);


section 16 (use of money or property for terrorist purposes);


section 17 (involvement in terrorist funding arrangements);


section 17A (insuring payments made in response to terrorist threats);


section 18 (laundering of terrorist property);


section 19 (failure to disclose professional belief or suspicion about terrorist offences);


section 21A (failure in regulated sectors to disclose knowledge or suspicion about terrorist offences);


section 38B (failure to disclose information about acts of terrorism);


section 39 (disclosure of information prejudicial to a terrorist investigation etc);


section 54 (weapons training);


section 56 (directing a terrorist organisation);


section 57 (possession of article for terrorist purposes);


section 58 (collection of information likely to be of use to a terrorist);


section 58A (publishing information about members of the armed forces etc);


section 58B (entering or remaining in a designated area);


section 59 (inciting terrorism overseas).

2Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001

An offence under section 113 of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 (use of noxious substance or thing to cause harm or intimidate).

3Terrorism Act 2006

An offence under any of the following provisions of the Terrorism Act 2006—


section 1 (encouragement of terrorism);


section 2 (dissemination of terrorist publications);


section 5 (preparation of terrorist acts);


section 6 (training for terrorism);


section 8 (attendance at a place used for terrorist training);


section 9 (making or possession of radioactive device or material);


section 10 (misuse of radioactive device or material for terrorist purposes etc);


section 11 (terrorist threats relating to radioactive devices etc).

4Counter-Terrorism Act 2008

An offence under section 54 of the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 (breach of police notification requirements etc).

5Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures 2011

An offence under section 23 of the Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011 (breach of notices imposing terrorism prevention and investigation measures).

6Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015

An offence under section 10 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (breach of temporary exclusion order).

7Inchoate offences

An inchoate offence (see section 398) in relation to an offence specified in any of the preceding paragraphs of this Schedule.

PART 2Scotland and Northern Ireland

This is the Schedule to be inserted as Schedule 1A to the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008—

SCHEDULE 1AOffences where terrorist connection not required to be considered

Sections 30 and 31

1Terrorism Act 2000

An offence under any of the following provisions of the Terrorism Act 2000—


section 11 (membership of a proscribed organisation);


section 12 (inviting or expressing support for a proscribed organisation);


section 15 (fund-raising);


section 16 (use of money or property for terrorist purposes);


section 17 (involvement in terrorist funding arrangements);


section 17A (insuring payments made in response to terrorist threats);


section 18 (laundering of terrorist property);


section 19 (failure to disclose professional belief or suspicion about terrorist offences);


section 21A (failure in regulated sectors to disclose knowledge or suspicion about terrorist offences);


section 38B (failure to disclose information about acts of terrorism);


section 39 (disclosure of information prejudicial to a terrorist investigation etc);


section 54 (weapons training);


section 56 (directing a terrorist organisation);


section 57 (possession of article for terrorist purposes);


section 58 (collection of information likely to be of use to a terrorist);


section 58A (publishing information about members of the armed forces etc);


section 58B (entering or remaining in a designated area);


section 60 (inciting terrorism overseas: Northern Ireland);


section 61 (inciting terrorism overseas: Scotland).

2Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001

An offence under section 113 of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 (use of noxious substance or thing to cause harm or intimidate).

3Terrorism Act 2006

An offence under any of the following provisions of the Terrorism Act 2006—


section 1 (encouragement of terrorism);


section 2 (dissemination of terrorist publications);


section 5 (preparation of terrorist acts);


section 6 (training for terrorism);


section 8 (attendance at a place used for terrorist training);


section 9 (making or possession of radioactive device or material);


section 10 (misuse of radioactive device or material for terrorist purposes etc);


section 11 (terrorist threats relating to radioactive devices etc).

4Counter-Terrorism Act 2008

An offence under section 54 of the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 (breach of police notification requirements etc).

5Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures 2011

An offence under section 23 of the Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011 (breach of notices imposing terrorism prevention and investigation measures).

6Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015

An offence under section 10 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (breach of temporary exclusion order).

7Ancillary offences

An ancillary offence in relation to an offence specified in any of the preceding paragraphs of this Schedule.